Vg tinder swindler
The Tinder Swindler – VG
The Tinder Swindler
16.2.2019 — Simon Leviev finds his victims on the dating app Tinder and then seduces them with travel by private jet, luxury hotels and expensive …
Simon Leviev finds his victims on the dating app Tinder and then seduces them with travel by private jet, luxury hotels and expensive dinners.
Simon Leviev i intervju: – Jeg er ikke en bedrager – VG
Simon Leviev i intervju: – Jeg er ikke en bedrager – VG
22.2.2022 — Dokumentarfilmen «The Tinder Swindler» er basert på VG-avsløringen, som vakte stor oppsikt da den ble publisert i 2019. Dokumentarfilmen topper …
I sitt første intervju etter Netflix-dokumentaren hevder Simon Leviev at «The Tinder Swindler» bare er oppspinn.
The Tinder Swindler Says He’s ‘Not a Fraud’ in First Interview …
The Tinder Swindler Says He’s ‘Not a Fraud’ in First Interview After Netflix Documentary | Glamour
19.2.2022 — In his first interview since The Tinder Swindler dropped on February 2, Simon Leviev is telling his side of the story.
In his first interview since The Tinder Swindler dropped on February 2, Simon Leviev is telling his side of the story.
The Tinder Swindler fallout shows the dark side of Netflix fame
The Tinder Swindler fallout shows the dark side of Netflix fame | US television | The Guardian
18.2.2022 — When I first watched The Tinder Swindler last month, … at the Norwegian paper VG who unspooled his lies for an initial exposé in 2019.
The subject of the hit documentary, who conned women out of hundreds of thousands, is trying to launch a celebrity career, a depressing but inevitable next step
‘The Tinder Swindler’ True Story: Where Is Simon Leviev Now?
1.3.2022 — Currently 31 years old, Simon Leviev lives as a free man in Israel and is currently dating Israeli model Kate Konlin, according to Instagram …
The subject of Netflix’s documentary is currently living in Israel, and has never been charged with the crimes recounted by Cecilie Fjellhøy, Pernilla Sjoholm, and Ayleen Charlotte in the film.
Uutuusdokumentti kertoo Suomessa vangitusta Tinder-huijarista
Uutuusdokumentti kertoo Suomessa vangitusta Tinder-huijarista – esitti olevansa hävittäjälentäjä ja timanttiprinssi, lupaili lempeä ja puijasi naisilta miljoonia – Kulttuuri |
1.2.2022 — Norjalaisen VG:n artikkelin nimenä oli Tinder Swindler, mikä tarkoittaa Tinder-petkuttajaa. Samalla nimellä kulkee myös Netflix-dokumentti.
Dokumentti nimeltä Tinder-huijarin jäljillä kertoo sarjahuijarista nimeltä Shimon Hayut sekä huijatuista, jotka halusivat hyväksikäyttäjänsä kiinni.
Q & A: Turning Our Tinder Swindler Investigation into a Netflix …
Q & A: Turning Our Tinder Swindler Investigation into a Netflix Hit – GIJN
21.4.2022 — The 2019 investigation by Verdens Gang (VG), Norway’s largest newspaper, was titled The Tinder Swindler, and quickly went viral.
What does it feel like when Netflix calls? Hear from two of the Norwegian journalists behind the original Tinder Swindler investigation.
Suomalaisnaisia vedättäneestä Tinder-huijarista tehtiin Netflix …
Suomalaisnaisia vedättäneestä Tinder-huijarista tehtiin Netflix-dokumentti The Tinder Swindler – näin hän huijasi uhrejaan –
8.2.2022 — Niin kutsutun Tinder-huijarin tarina on jälleen noussut pinnalle. … esillä – Jarkko Sipilä kertoo, miten Tinder Swindler huijasi uhrejaan.
Niin kutsutun Tinder-huijarin tarina on jälleen noussut pinnalle. Suoratoistopalvelu Netflixin tuore dokumentti kertoo israelilaisen Simon Levievin, oikealta nimeltään Shimon Yehuda Hayutin, naisiin kohdistuneista huijauksista.Uutuusdokumentissa suomalaisuhrit nousevat esille MTV Uutisten rikostoimittaja Jarkko Sipilän kirjoittaman artikkelin kautta.
Keywords: vg tinder swindler, tinder swindler vg